The Rollbook is a notebook that keeps the pages “rolling” forward. 
It is a more convenient notebook when people have to write without a table. 
The “rolling” movement always keeps the writing area in the middle of the notebook, in this way to avoid the uncomfortable writing experience by the edge of the notebook.

The hard cover which can open maximum 180° provides a stable flat surface for writing or sketching.
Thanks to the “rolling” movement, it has many additional advantages. 
For instance, it is easy to cover and modify the content that you might be not satisfied with.
Because of the structure, it is possible to make some 3D pop-ups.
A random combination from Rollbook can bring interesting inspirations.
When the first side of Rollbook is full, people can get a new empty notebook by refolding the pages inside out.
The binder is easy and fast to make with elastic band.
The Rollbook is especially cool for people who work in creative fields.

Find out more ways to use Rollbook!
A Notebook


A Notebook

A notebook
